Extended our bus lot w/a speed bump to help w/parking. Thank you drivers for the input! Additional space for buses & event parking!

The view from my office is the best! Good luck to our Lady Indians Soccer team this fall. Your hard work/determination will take you far.

Help Chief, the school therapy dog, celebrate his 1st birthday!

Happy 4th of July! Have a fun & safe holiday weekend. All Mechanicsburg School District offices will be closed on Thur (7/4) & Fri (7/5) to spend time with family & friends. Enjoy your weekend!

Two great days of team learning and networking. Plus two fantastic presentations about the work going on in the Burg! #BFKLeading19

Today is a very special day for our graduates and their families. Congratulations to our 2019 graduates!

We want to update everyone on the schedule for the next two days. School will be in session for a full day on Thursday, 5/30 (NO EARLY RELEASE). We will not be making up the missed day from 5/28. If you have further questions please contact your building secretaries.

McBurg closed 5/28 due to a power outage. Study for exams and we will see you Wednesday.

The mock crash scheduled for Friday 4/26 has been canceled due to weather. Prom promise breakfast will take place during 1st period. Thank you and be safe!

The Mobile Mammography Clinic will be onsite at Mechanicsburg Schools this Friday, 4/12 from 8a -2p. Walk-ins are welcome and encouraged. Stop by Friday, 15 minutes could save a life!

Come support the Music Boosters at the Indoor Flea Market on Sat, 4/13 in the School Commons 10a - 3p. Homemade crafts, glassware, clothing, Thirty-One Products, DoTerra Essential Oils, Coach purses, etc. You're bound to find something you can't live without! Come check it out!

Congratulations to our Future Chef winner, Natalie Gaylor! She made a vegan black bean taco stuffed sweet potato in the annual contest among 4th & 5th grade students.

Welcome back! Whether you took a trip or spent time at home, we hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break. We're excited to see everyone back in the building today. Now bring on the Spring weather!

Open Enrollment forms for the 2019-20 school year have been mailed to all current OE families. Look for information in your mailbox soon! New families looking to open enroll should contact portere@mcburg.org

Mobile Mammography Clinic will be set up at McBurg School on Friday, April 21st. Call 937.523.9332 to schedule.

McBurg band and choir are enjoying Disney. The parade went flawlessly. We have the best kids in the world! #KnowOurWhy

Don't forget breakfast with the cast of Grease, the Spring musical, on Saturday from 9-11 in the school commons. Cost is $5/person. Enjoy breakfast, meet the cast, and get your picture taken. Don't miss your chance to be part of the action!

Boys Bowling in action at the state meet Saturday at Wayne Webb in Columbus. Good luck boys! Showcase your talent and keep working hard! #repeat #BurgBowling

Best of luck to the wrestling team at the sectional meet today and Saturday in Troy. #BurgWrestling #family

Closing our eyes didn’t help!! It’s still snowing. McBurg is closed 2/20 due to snowy roads! Blizzard bag #1 on its way.