Argumentative writing?! You bet! Some awesome students in Mr. Moore's ELA mock trial taking some "shady" individuals to task! What will the evidence support?

The best SRO around!! Thank you for all you do!! 💜

Happy Social Worker Week, Mrs. Hixenbaugh! We are blessed with one of the best and appreciate how you take care of our kids! We love our sweet Dolly Pawton too!

County Science Fair is still on this afternoon/evening! Students, if able, please arrive to school at 3pm, enter through the middle school doors. We will gather our items and load the bus. Hope to see you soon!

A few more of our researchers prepared to rock it at county science fair tonight!

Help me congratulate this group for their hard work and preparation for county science fair. Best of luck tonight, we are proud of you!

Congratulations to our Regional Champs of the Ninja Madness!
Payton Massie: 1st overall girls (and the fastest time of the day)
Addie Gladman: 2nd overall girls
Jenna Snyder: 4th overall girls
Owen Lawhorn: 5th overall boys
Ryan Hood: 7th overall boys
Gregory Pifher: 9th overall boys
All scores combined to win the Team Championship!

Mrs. Merica's STEM class making puzzle cubes for others to try and solve!

Congratulations to our 8th boys and their first round OHC victory over Triad! On to round two at Fairbanks on Thursday, 6:30pm

Congratulations to our 7th grade girls basketball on their victory last night! They play in the OHC Championship game tomorrow vs WLS at 10am at Greeneview!

Testing minerals in science with Mr. Walls today!

More Geological Runway action!

Check out more Geological Runway Hats! Look out America's Top Model!

This group is fun to watch! Proud of how hard they play!

We sure are blessed with some pretty amazing and creative kids! Check out Mrs. Merica's Gold B STEM class!

Congratulations to Penny Bradley!! Her design was selected for the Memorial Health Holiday card! Thank you to Robin Coffey for presenting to Penny this morning along with a gift card! ❤️💚

Kids got a little crafty in Mrs. Jones and Miss Whitt's Life Skills!

Before your kid adds a "lost" item to their Christmas wish list, make sure they have looked at our mound of lost and found!

Escape Room and "Math" Libs today with Mrs. Jones and her 7th grade math warriors! Thanks for the invite!

Beautiful day for our K-2 field trip to The Maize. Thanks to our wonderful PTO and our hosts at The Maize for providing such a fun day for all!